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CNC Laser Cutting



 Our 12 kW fiber Amada ENSIS 3015 AJ has superior cut quality for producing precision parts up to 1” mild steel, 1” stainless, 3/4” aluminum. This machine is equipped with a CL that enables us to automatically load and unload 6,000 lbs of material for uninterrupted cutting to ensure efficient production time. It is equipped with an additional shuttle table that enables us to load single jobs in addition to production cutting. This machine uses fiber technology to deliver parts at top cutting speeds.


Bulk nonferrous cutting capability!

We possess the capability to accommodate large quantity stainless steel and aluminum cutting due to the addition of our bulk Nitrogen tank.


Our 4400 watt BySprint Pro 3015 has superior cut quality for producing precision parts up to 1” mild steel, ¾” stainless, ½” aluminum. This machine is equipped with an automatic changing table to ensure efficient production time.



12 kW Amada ENSIS 3015 AJ


4400 watt BySprint Pro 3015




“Finn-Kool and the Finney Family always show up with their thinking cap on, if it can be dreamed-up it can be built regardless of what material, steel, aluminum, fiberglass, and even cardboard.”

Dick Wise, Wise Construction


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